During the Super Bowl last night NBC aired a commercial for the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Special, which features names of several artists who will appear on the special and Taylor is one of them. The three-hour live special will air on Sunday, February 15th. How exciting is that? We can’t wait! You can read more info about it and watch the commercial below!
NBC has aired a second commercial featuring even more names! They include Jack Nicholson, Amy Poehler, Jim Carrey, Peyton Manning, Dana Carvey, Kristen Wiig, Dan Aykroyd, Chris Rock, Alec Baldwin, Taylor Swift, Garrett Morris, Andy Samberg, Christopher Walken, Maya Rudolph, Tom Hanks, Martin Short, Betty White and Bill Murray. Here’s the original story:
NBC will air a three-hour live special on Sunday, February 15 in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the iconic franchise “Saturday Night Live,” and tonight during Super Bowl XLIX teased the special guests. Included in the spot, which you can watch below, were: Justin Timberlake, Emma Stone, Derek Jeter, Jimmy Fallon, Paul McCartney, Chevy Chase, Kanye West, Adam Sandler, Melissa McCarthy, Will Ferrell, Robert De Niro, Tina Fey, Paul Simon , Jerry Seinfeld, Molly Shannon, Steve Martin, Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy.