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Posted on
Dec 23, 2011

“Safe & Sound”

Exciting news! Taylor is on the soundtrack for The Hunger Games with a new song entitled “Safe & Sound” that features the Civil Wars! It’s truly beautiful and makes us all the more excited for her next album with the different sound. Click on the cover art below to purchase the song on iTunes, and let us know what you think!

16 Comments on ““Safe & Sound””

  1. OMG this song is amazing- and yes, I went out and bought the Hunger Games today (can’t wait to read!) WOW, definitely on repeat for a while…. haunting!

  2. I want to buy it but its not on the Australian ITunes or BigPond or anything. Arghh…so annoying that it doesnt get released on the same day worldwide

  3. The song reminds me a bit of Tori Amos…but I think it will fit to the film quite well. Looking forward to see it!

  4. Once again, Taylor amazes us. I love this song, I listen to it on repeat! I don’t necessarily think it means her next album is going to have a different sound though. I just think she was experimenting and doing something different for the movie. Plus, the sound of the song needed to fit with the genre of the movie and I think we can all say with confidence that she pulled it off flawlessly :)

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