We added over 4,000 screen captures from the Speak Now World Tour Live CD+DVD to the gallery. You can check them out by clicking on the thumbnails or links below. The CD+DVD debuted at number 11 on the Billboard 200 charts this week with 77,000 copies sold. Order your copy at Target.com if you haven’t already; it’s amazing to see how much Taylor has grown as a performer!

– Concert
– Nashville (bonus performance)
– The Sweet Escape (bonus performance)
– Home Movies
– Rehearsals
– Menu
Ooh I don’t think i have the bonus performances on my dvd – is it only for US releases? I’m from Australia… the other material is pretty cool – i recommend EVERYONE get it! so glad i got it :)
I wouldnt think itd be only the US but its a copy you can only find in Target stores.
it has dif. packaging-costs more-clearly youd know which copy you had.
In the US it’s only available in Target, but you can get it in Canada from anywhere.
And woah, 4,000 screen caps! Awesome! Thanks guys…the CD+DVD is awesome!
Abit off topic but I want to ask and see if anyone else ever thought of this since this bothered me and I can’t help thinking about it.
So I was listening to Dear John the other day and just realised something. In the song Taylor sang “Don’t you think 19’s too young to be played with”. Now if I remember correctly, wasn’t she dating Taylor Lautner when she was 19? And only broke up with him on her 20th B’day? SO… does this means she cheat on Lautner with John?? What do everyone think? Any thought on this?
Oh, and while I was googling thing on Dear John, I came across this link where it claimed to be a leaked email respond from John to Taylor regarding his thought on her song Dear John. Dunno if it’s real but if it is, then he’s definitely the biggest ***hole out there.
ooh that sounds interesting! haha and yes, off topic. they need to get the forums back up! :)
ah a pity i don’t get to see those performances in HD. at least i get to see her in concert next year! : )
first of all-none of this can be confirmed so.. its all just wild speculation. having said that, however, if and thats a huge if she cheated on Taylor with John dont you think she kinda deserves a least a little of the crap she got? you live and you learn.
it was an awesome taylor swift speak now world tour i have seen that dvd wat a performense she did the song called last kiss when she was singing each one of her fan was crying at that sadium totally out of my mind it was so incredible : but i thought it gona happen cuz it was taylor swift so amazing singer i nerver seen in my whole life soooo beautiful singer and i believe no one can be like she is..
Iam from india the only thing i want to say plesezzzzzzzzzzzzzz taylor take a tour to india iam dieing to see you ………….
from KHADIR KHAN who love’s Taylor Swfit from his bottom of his heart.////
i didnt see the dvd but i wanna say living without taylor is not too hard for me cause its impossible
i love you taylorr