We replaced a MQ outtake from Taylor’s 2010 You magazine photoshoot with a HQ version. Head on over to the gallery to check it out. Hopefully, we’ll have the rest of the outtakes in HQ soon!

Don’t forget to vote for Taylor at the 2011 O Music Awards and on the GAC and CMT Top 20 Country Countdowns. She is also up for the “Top 30 Under 30 – Solo Female” award at Portrait Magazine (thank you to Melissa for the heads up!). Click on the links below to vote:
– 2011 O Music Awards
– GAC Top 20 Country Countdown
– CMT Top 20 Country countdown
– Portrait Magazine
She really needs a lot of votes to catch up on the persons who have more votes than her at Portrait Magazine… So everybody who reads this, vote like crazy and spread the word! Let’s get Taylor to #1! If all of her fans votes, we can do it :-)