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Apr 18, 2020

Taylor Sings ‘Soon You’ll Get Better’ During One World: Together at Home Special

Tonight, many artists shared a video of a performance at home to support the fight against COVID-19, including Taylor. She performed a beautiful acoustic version of “Soon You’ll Get Better” on the piano. You can watch Taylor’s performance below!

Taylor Swift is raising her voice to help raise funds during the star-studded One World: Together at Home special on Saturday.

The singer, 30, made an appearance and, for the first time, performed her moving song “Soon You’ll Get Better,”as part of the A-list concert to raise awareness for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund to support local and regional charities providing food, shelter and healthcare to those in need amid the ongoing health crisis.

The song is deeply personal and details Swift and her family’s pain and worry following her mother Andrea’s cancer diagnosis. “And I hate to make this all about me/ But who am I supposed to talk to?/ What am I supposed to do?/ If there’s no you,” sings Swift, 30, on the emotional song.

In August, Swift opened up about the song and why she has never performed it before the One World: Stay at Home benefit.

“That was really, really hard to write, and it was just a family decision whether to even put it on the album,” Swift said during a YouTube Live ahead of her album’s release at the time. “We as a family decided to put this on the album, and it’s something I’m so proud of, but it’s just really hard. I can’t sing it. It’s hard to just emotionally deal with that song. You’ll understand what I mean in a couple hours.”

Amid the global health crisis, Swift continues to lend a helping hand to her fans and communities. Along with helping to keep a Nashville record store afloat amid the pandemic, the star donated to several fans who publicly expressed their financial struggles, including Samantha Jacobson, who received a $3,000 donation after writing on her Tumblr that she has “no job, no income, no way to pay my bills” after her workplace shut down over coronavirus concerns. According to Jacobson, Swift reached out to her on Twitter and offered to help alleviate some of her financial burdens.

Ahead of canceling her 2020 tour dates on Friday, Swift urged fans to take precaution and practice social distancing as the highly contagious coronavirus continues to spread. “I follow you online and I love you guys so much and need to express my concern that things aren’t being taken seriously enough right now. I’m seeing lots of get-togethers and hangs and parties still happening,” wrote Swift on her Instagram Stories on March 16.

“This is the time to cancel plans, actually truly isolate as much as you can, and don’t assume that because you don’t feel sick that you aren’t possibly passing something on to someone elderly or vulnerable to this. It’s a really scary time but we need to make social sacrifices right now,” she said.

Swift has also encouraged fans to focus on helping others during this trying time, writing on her Instagram Stories, “The World Health Organization and Feeding America are some of the organizations I’ve been donating to. If you have the ability to, please join me in donating during this crisis.”


2 Comments on “Taylor Sings ‘Soon You’ll Get Better’ During One World: Together at Home Special”

  1. Thank you for sharing this personal and beautifully written song. It touched my soul and you performed it flawlessly from your soul. I appreciate your strength and sharing it with the world. Thank you Taylor!

  2. I wrote this on another fan page though I don’t know which as I am a tad old to be doing fan clubs!. Taylor, when I listened to you sing Soon You’ll Get Better, on One World I broke into tears. My precious niece Erin (a fan, as well as her cousins) and an OT at a Boston hospital was diagnosed with Covid-19 that week and is still quite sick though she is trying to keep her spirit optimistic. I live in South America, and use your song to pray for her daily. And I cry. But I thank you for sharing such a personal sentiment…You should know that what you felt, and put down on paper, is such a help to others. Thank you

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