We uploaded 14 HQ pictures of Taylor’s appearance on “Dancing With The Stars” on November 2nd. You can watch videos of her performances here in our forum in case you missed it. Also, don’t forget that Taylor will be attending the 44th Annual CMA Awards tonight. She’s going to perform her new single “Back To December” and is also up for the “Female Vocalist of the Year” award. We’ll be doing a live coverage of the show so make sure to come back in a few hours!

apparently one of her close friends died on Monday and she said that she used to play her songs for him first.
I know she is not the favorite to win tonight, but I will still be watching because she will be performing on stage…Hope she sings well
I thought she played to Abigail first? Anyways, really sorry for the loss =( Remember the airplane interviews a few days ago, she was telling the girl, who was talking about her boyfriend passing during the nashville flood, that she never experienced death or anything as tragic as she has but she tried comforting her =( My condolences go out to the family, friends, and Taylor.
Taylor Didn’t Win Sorry For Her! I always Wanted Her To win…… :( But i will watch her on stage and hope she is still Fearless…:)
Love,Nur Amal
God Bless Taylor Swift and Her Family
God i love taylor, so excited for this tour! <3 You can win tickets to see her in London here: http://koiniclub.com/ref/C-15-80111619 awesome competition :)
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