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Posted on
Oct 19, 2013

CMT Hot 20 Interview

Taylor was interviewed by CMT’s Cody Alan last week at her education center’s grand opening! The interview aired this morning as a part of CMT’s Hot 20 Countdown. She talked about the building, touring in other countries, and The Giver among other things, so make sure to press play below!

1 Comment on “CMT Hot 20 Interview”

  1. Hey Taylor im sure you don’t check ur website for comments very much but im a really huge fan and im sure u get that a-lot! But i’ve alway’s wanted to go on tour with u or go to ur house. But the reason i wanted to talk to u about is that i’ve emailed my friend who is a boy and i’ve accadentily said that i had a crush on him and i wanted ur advice so u can tell me how i can make him like me a little bit more.
    Please email me back when u can!!!

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