Taylor just premiered the new single from her new album, Red! It’s called “We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together” and has a really different sound! I love it, what do you think? Check out the album cover in the gallery! Red hits stores on October 22nd and has 16 tracks!

i lov it too this sound track…
i’m so excited about u’r album atleast i gt time to wait thank u updating.
i’m waiting since from one weak for live conversation with taylor but i missed it i feel so sorry for me i tried whole night even though i loose it.i just got confused in timing cuz i’m in india. i know that was a big aportunity i’ll try for next time any how.
i lov u taylor swift
frm india khadir khan
I love Taylor, obviously, or I wouldnt be on this website…..but…this song doesnt show very much maturity or growth at ALL. She’s 22 now, she should be putting out more songs like “Safe and Sound” and “Both of Us”. I gurantee you this single will not get good reviews from series music media outlets such as “Rolling Stone” ect which is unfortunate because she needs their support to push her new album. Hopefully the rest of the album has a different feel that this song. I’m not saying it’s not a catchy song, I’ll probably be humming this damn jingle in my head for the next 2 days but I have high expectations of Taylor and I think she can do much much better!
I agree with Elaina. Maybe she just needs to take a BREAK to find time to grow up and mature into an adult artist. I can’t wait for the album, hopefully it will better than this song. She’s kind of boring to me now anyway.
I agree with Elaina and Jessica. Taylor’s new song is a huge disappointment. I knew there was something bad happening with her when I saw her new look (I mean the hair) recently… Now I’ve got the proof. Cool popular hair, cool popular music, like it is not that Taylor I knew anymore. I’m not saying it’s a bad song, it’s not bad. It is just exactly the same as any other singer/band’s song. Just popular. I hope the rest of the album will prove otherwise.
Elaina and Gabriella took the words right out of my mouth. I will probably always be a fan of Taylor and will always support her, but this single… Even when I first read the title of the song, I was like “Oh no…” Don’t get me wrong, it’s super catchy and I’ll be singing along to it but I’m just a bit disappointed since I expected more growth from her, not this teeny bopper pop song. I like that she’s trying to be a bit different, but I hope she doesn’t alienate what we all love about her. And I just noticed she doesn’t have her signature font for her name on this album cover like all her previous ones.. I miss that.
I agree with everyone else on here, this song is disappointing. As I’ve been a long time fan of Taylor’s previous work as well, this song does not show any more growth or maturity than when compared to her previous work. She’s 22 years old now, she should be done with all of this “he said she said” stuff and move on to more mature topics. This song sounds too pop for my taste anyway. I, along with other devoted fans, can only hope and pray that the rest of the album is not full of this generic garbage. Taylor, please don’t sell out, because this song definitely seems like a ploy to rake more cash in your bank!
To be honest, I agree about the song. It doesn’t show much growth and I actually rolled my eyes at the title, but I don’t really get why people are saying “she’s 22 and should be doing more mature things”. I don’t see why that’s the case, she should be doing whatever she wants to do. For me, the song was nothing special, undeniably catchy but pretty generic, but if these are the emotions she’s still feeling then why shouldn’t she be allowed to express them? All she’s known since she was 17 was great success in her ‘dream’, and she obviously falls in love often, it’s hardly surprising that this is where most of her turmoil comes from.
Taylor’s songs are all about her expressing her true feelings and just because she’s maturing, there’s no law that says her songs have to change. Sure, she could’ve picked a different title, but that’s how she felt at the moment, so who’s to say that this song shouldn’t be what it is. After following her for a while, you find out that she’s pretty spontaneous and not afraid put out very personal songs. I’m sure a bunch of you can relate to this song as well as many of her other songs. Criticism and put-downs do not improve her songs. Constructive criticism will.
@Tristen, I don’t even think people are putting down the title, the fact of the matter is that she used producers who produced for Britney Spears and other bubblegum pop artists to produce the song for her, and she’s a country singer. This could’ve been a hit had it been for different producers.
I think I was wrong about the song and I apologize for being rude.