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Dec 10, 2010

Billboard’s 2010 Artists of the Year

Billboard’s Year-end charts are out, And although Taylor didn’t receive 1st place on Billboard.com’s Artists of the Year chart, 2nd place is nearly as impressive. Considering the fact that she earned the 1st spot last year!  This Year, Lady Gaga earned the top spot for her tremendous year.  But let’s congratulate Taylor, though, on her continued rise to the top! Click here to see the full list!

62 Comments on “Billboard’s 2010 Artists of the Year”

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  3. UK fans – voting has kicked off for iTunes UK’s ‘Best Album & Song 2010’ competition! Fans can vote for The Fame Monster as the best album of 2010, and “Telephone” feat Beyoncé as the best song!

    Voting is open until midnight on December 19th, click HERE to get voting now! As an added bonus you are entered to win 10,000 songs from iTunes UK when voting!


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  5. I’m so happy for taylor but honestly, she should’ve gotten the 1st place. To my knowledge, lady gaga hasn’t even released a new album this year and all she’s doing is re-releasing her previous album. I’m even shocked she got nominated for 6 grammys this year.

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