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Taylor Swift Web
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Posted on
Mar 10, 2011

Oslo, Norway Concert Photos

We uploaded pictures from Taylor’s concert at the Oslo Spektrum in Oslo, Norway last night. Videos from the concert can be found here on YouTube. Also, we added more pictures from the Holland show. Click here to view them in the gallery. Thanks so much to Stefan, Mandy and Danielle for donating their pictures! These are all really great shots and Taylor looks gorgeous, as usual!

1 Comment on “Oslo, Norway Concert Photos”

  1. I was at the concert last night in Oslo. OMG it was SOO freakin amazing! dsfkljfdsnjnfgaekjsbgfs
    I dont have any words… this has been my dream since like forever, to se taylor live! I actually got so excited and happy in the beginning at the beginning of the concert when she played sparks fly that I actually CRIED … :’) Uh, I LOVEEEEEEEE Taylor Swift and I hope she’ll come back here soon! <3

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