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Nov 19, 2010

Cover Girl Coupon Scan & More

Wal-mart updated their Cover Girl Page with the new products from Cover Girl and Taylor is representing the new line for NatureLuxe! They have one new gorgeous photo up, a video of Taylor talking about this new product and you get to take a peek inside Taylor’s makeup bag. All you need to do is go to walmart.com/CoverGirl to find all these new stuff! And Thanks so much to the amazing Shellie <3 We added a scan from a coupon of NatureLuxe found in the copies of Taylor’s new album “Speak Now” thats being sold in Wal-mart! It features a new stunning picture from the cover girl campaign promoshoot that she did earlier this year. Be sure to take a look.

Covergirl Spring 2011 holds the promise of their new Lip Perfection Lipstick which is already available for pre-order but the brand will also being going a bit green friendly in 2011.
Covergirl Natureluxe, set to debut in 2011, is a new luxury and natural inspired boutique brand for Covergirl. The collection includes new products such as its Silk Foundation and Gloss Balm which contains natural ingredients with a green friendly formula. This new launch will feature Taylor Swift as the promo model.

Covergirl Spring 2011 holds the promise of their new Lip Perfection Lipstick which is already available for pre-order but the brand will also being going a bit green friendly in 2011.

Covergirl Natureluxe, set to debut in 2011, is a new luxury and natural inspired boutique brand for Covergirl. The collection includes new products such as its Silk Foundation and Gloss Balm which contains natural ingredients with a green friendly formula. This new launch will feature Taylor Swift as the promo model.

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